What was your weekend like? Ours was wonderful, we went to a lookout tower "Na Kotli" and we also went to see waterfalls near Spálené Poříčí. We had a great time and we also cooked a lot of tasty dishes. Today, I have got the last but one look from Paris from last year. We did not go to Louvre in the end (we wanted to see Mona Lisa), but even from the outside it was nice. And also when we returned home, I found out that there are two cafés near Louvre - Le Café Marly and Angelina Paris Musée du Louvre. We did not visit neither one of them, but I do not mind at all, we enjoyed Paris anyway. Have you ever been inside of Louvre?
Coat - H&M
Jeans - Levi's
Boots - Baťa


2 komentáře

  1. Krásný outfit i fotky! :) Já v Louvru uvnitř byla a Monu Lisu jsem viděla, ale upřímně jsem z ní byla dost zklamaná, o nic moc si nepřišla :)

    Another Dominika

    1. Moc děkuju, Domčo :)
      Kupodivu tenhle názor na Monu Lisu má více lidí, tak jsem zvědavá, zda se mně někdy podaří jí vidět a posoudit :D


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